
Jan 6, 2017

News quiz 2016 - Follow up

Photo by iphonedigital via Flickr [CC BY-SA 2.0]
Activities for reviewing the language from News Quiz 2016

Like in previous years, here's the follow-up to last week's news quiz: 13 pages of practice activities and exercises aimed at reviewing and consolidating lexis from the quiz (in 2 levels).

I hope you and students enjoy them as much as you enjoyed the quiz. If you still haven't seen this quiz, it's not to late - click HERE.

Update: Vocabulary from the quiz on Quizlet:

Suggested sequence of activities

Please note the quiz and the activities below come in two levels.

Lesson 1: (first lesson of a new year) Students do the quiz. The answers are given or students have to find them out at home. We highlight useful chunks of language (see the teachers' notes that accompany the Quiz)

Between-class work: Look up more information about one or two of the items from the quiz. Language work: Vocabulary expansion (Advanced) / Find the right word (Intermediate)

Lesson 2: Students' mini-presentations on the news stories they chose in Lesson 1 OR the ones they didn't know the answers to. Vocabulary review and practice 1. (available in two levels)

Lesson 3: Vocabulary review and practice 2 (available in two levels) which can also be assigned as homework.

Lesson 4 / Between-class work: Vocabulary review and practice 3 (available in two levels)

Scroll all the way down for the teachers' notes and answers for both levels.


Intermediate level click HERE to download Word doc or preview below:

Advanced level click HERE to download Word doc or preview below:

Answer key - for both levels


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