
Dec 30, 2022

News Quiz 2022

Traditional end-of-year news quiz for the first lesson of the new year

Here's the 2022 edition of the annual news quiz some of you have already been asking me about. And yes, I did it myself - took me just a few days - without any assistance from AI! As you may know, ChatGPT has no concept of 2022 because its training ended in 2021, and it was basically useless (when I tried, it generated quiz questions based on fictional events, including a new pandemic and a divorce of a celebrity couple who broke up years ago).

Just like in the past two years - since the start of the pandemic - the quiz comes in several different formats, suitable for different teaching scenarios (face-to-face or online). And as usual, it's packed with lots of juicy lexical chunks and other vocabulary items for your students to explore.

The quiz is available in two levels: 

  • Advanced (B2+/C1 or higher) 
  • Intermediate (B1/B2) 

and three formats, all of which can be edited if you wish to adapt them 

  • Google Slides presentation. To edit, click on File -> Make a copy 
  • Google Doc. To edit, click on File -> Download -> select the desired format 
  • a gamified quiz on Quizizz 
The quiz is accompanied by a very detailed Teacher's guide (scroll down to the very end) full of ideas on how to work with the language.

As usual, stand by for vocabulary review and expansion activities in a follow up post in the new year. 

UPDATE (7 Jan. 2023): click HERE for follow up activities.

Wishing you a happier year ahead!

Google Slides

Advanced (B2+/C1) level followed by language focus

Preview below or click HERE to download 

Intermediate (B1/B2) level followed by language focus

Preview below or click HERE to download

Google Docs / PDF

This is the 'old' format suitable for a face-to-face classroom. This can also be sent to students by email for review after the lesson.

Advanced (B2+/C1) level with answers

Preview below or click HERE to download the editable Google doc

Intermediate (B1/B2) level with answers

Preview below or click HERE to download the editable Google doc

Teacher's Guide


  1. As usual, a very good quiz. I think it was easier than last year (my students got all the answers except the one about the PM). We also had time to go over the language chunks. Thank you very much!! Gil

    1. Hi Gil,
      Thanks for letting me know. I thought it was harder, but I'm glad you think otherwise. Follow-up activities are in the pipeline.

  2. Thank you for the quiz - great as usual! Could I ask how I can download the Teacher's guide?

  3. Hi,
    Thanks for the really good quiz and language ideas.
    I can't seem to find most of the passive examples you gave in the questions.

    1. Thank you, Rair. Glad you liked the ideas.
      Are you looking at the right version? The ideas for the passive are specifically for the Intermediate (B1+/B2-) level. See them now?

    2. Hi Leo. Thanks, I realised just after I'd sent you the message.
      My students enjoyed your quiz. Great Stuff!

  4. Thank you, Leo!!! I love this activity. Every year I look forward to using it. I'm curious to see how many answers my students get right.

    1. Hi Maria. I'm happy to hear. Have you seen the follow up activities I posted yesterday?

    2. Yes, I saw and used them, thanks a million. My students seemed to find the vocabulary harder than I thought they would. They understand it perfectly, but they seem to "forget" it when they try to retell the story. Great exercises to make them aware of this.

  5. Your quizes have become my little tradition at the beginning of the year. Love them and the follow-ups. Thank you so much for taking your time and sharing them with us! Love from Ukraine (wish we weren't included in the news quiz but alas).

    1. Thank you, Olena. Activating passive vocabulary is probably one of the most challenging things for higher-level learners.
      And I know what you mean. It would've been much nicer to be included for winning the Eurovision Song Contest, for example, rather than under these unfortunate circumstances.

  6. Thank you for creating and sharing the News Quiz 2022 for language learners. It's clear that you've put a lot of effort into preparing this quiz, and the attention to detail is commendable. Could you elaborate on how you encourage students to interact with the quiz and its different formats? Tel U


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