About me

Photo by Amir Landa
I’ve been involved in ELT for about 15 years in all sorts of roles: teacher, examiner, teacher trainer, senior teacher and materials developer – mainly with the British Council in Tel Aviv but also Cyprus and Turkey.  In recent years, teacher training missions have taken me to Azerbaijan, Armenia, Greece, Italy, Russia, Ukraine and other countries, where I had a chance to meet, work with and learn from some wonderful and dedicated teachers and teacher trainers.

Currently I am a lecturer in Second Language Acquisition (SLA), teaching methodology, vocabulary teaching and using technology in the classroom (the latter by demand rather than by choice) for both pre- and in-service teachers.

My other interests – as you can tell from the contents of this blog – include corpus linguistics, lexical approaches to language teaching and using video in the classroom – the topics I’ve written articles and materials on for the British Council and BBC’s TeachingEnglish website.

You can often see me present at conferences in Israel (ETAI), Europe (IATEFLTESOL FranceIATEFL Poland, TESOL Italy) and online (VRT, TOBELTA)

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