Jan 7, 2024

News Quiz 2023: follow up

Activities for reviewing and recycling the language from News Quiz 2023

Image credits: Isaac Mayne/DCMS, Steve Swayne [Public Domain];
 Les Zg [CC BY-SA 4.0], Geoffrey Chandler [CC BY 2.0]

Welcome back, fellow EFL/ESL educators! I hope that the recent installment of the News Quiz did not only engage your students but also offered some valuable learning opportunities. Now, let's delve into a variety of language-focused follow-up activities. 

As in the past few years, these activities come in various formats. You'll find interactive drag'n'drop exercises on LearningApps, a matching activity on WordWall (Advanced level), interactive quiz on Quizizz (Intermediate level) and good old fashioned worksheets in editable Google Docs.

  • If you haven't seen News Quiz 2023 - click HERE

The activities are grouped by level according to the two versions of the news quiz. 

Online activities

Advanced (B2+/C1)

Drag'n'drop 1a  https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pcqqzxx2v24 (preview below)

Collocation match: https://wordwall.net/resource/27077155 (preview below)

Intermediate (B1/B2-)

Drag'n'drop 1  https://learningapps.org/watch?v=p97hb3p3n24 (preview below)

Multiple choice quiz on Quizizz: https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/659959e368489402481d8819


Paper-based worksheets, which can be adapted for online teaching. The answer keys can be found in the second parts of the documents.

Advanced (B2+/C1)

Click HERE to download Google doc or preview below. 

Intermediate (B1/B2-)

Click HERE to download the Google doc or preview below:

Should you find any mistakes - happens sometimes! - or have difficulty accessing any of the above, do let me know in the comments below.


  1. Thank you! It's precious!

    1. You're welcome. Thanks for dropping a line.

  2. Brilliant materials, Leo! I noticed an issue in the key of the phrase match on p8 of the Advanced PDF Review. The verbs in 6 and 7 are swapped. I think 7 should be "brought" Chandler to life and 8 "take an unexpected turn". Thank you for sharing all of the materials. Sometimes, I think it is downhill from here once we've done the News Quiz :)

    1. Thank you so much, Hannah, for leaving a comment and spotting a mistake, which also made me realise that the key on p8 onwards is missing altogether. I'll fix it and reupload. Thanks once again.


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